August 2010


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August 2010

THE SUMMER HAS BEGUN!!! And that means, meetings morning and night, Sundays through Thursdays, Ladies’ teas on Wednesday afternoons, and a concert every Sunday afternoon. On top of that, the summer conferences mean getting to see friends that we only get to see once a year, and the privilege of hearing outstanding, well-known speakers. This past week we heard Dr. Robertson McQuilkin, former president of Columbia International University and Dr. Bill Jones, the current president of Columbia International University.

We also have the opportunity to see nature. Marilyn had the rare opportunity to view several deer, including a white (piebald) deer. We discovered the deer sleep near our RV. While residents here at Keswick wish the deer would stop eating their flowers, we love the chance to see ‘nature’ walk through our yard with the operative word being ‘through.’

Marilyn also had the privilege of speaking to the staff last week, and she will be giving a workshop to the conferences each Monday until after Labor Day. Marilyn’s health seems to be good. The heat has been difficult for both of us to endure, but the past few days have been cooler, and we are both grateful.

August 2, the trainer is scheduled to come to instruct Marilyn on how to operate the PT/INR machine, so hopefully we are finished with going to the lab for a monthly blood draw to check the Coumadin level, which has been very good and well within normal limits since May.

This week we have had the unique privilege of having the ‘real’ Sue Thomas of Sue Thomas FBEye attend the conference as a guest. Sue has been deaf since she was 18 months old and is also dealing with MS, but Sue is an amazing lip-reader and speaks beautifully. We had the joy of having Sue visit us in our little house for a couple of hours. Marilyn shared the platform with Sue at a Women’s Conference in Florida in 1994 and they have maintained a friendship ever since. Sue’s assistant, Deb, travels with her . Sue has a service dog trained to help those who are deaf and also those who have MS. This dog’s name is Katie.

Marilyn had the privilege of serving as MC and introducing Sue at the ladies’ tea. The normal attendance is fewer than 50, but the week Sue spoke there were 106! Marilyn looks forward to the teas as do most of the staff ladies because they get to share their beautiful china tea sets with everyone. And , yes, the tea set travels safely in the RV with us everywhere we go.

Sue has updated her book, Silent Night, and it is available by writing to We highly recommend the book. (It even has pictures!). Contact can also be made by calling 802-238-7378.

Please continue to pray for us, for our health, for guidance as we plan our fall itinerary, for Marilyn’s cousin Al, for Marilyn’s sister-in-law Karen, and for safety as we travel.
In Him,

Glen and Marilyn

Piebald Deer

Marilyn speaking at Staff Chapel

Marilyn, Deb, and Katie

Marilyn, Sue Thomas, and Katie

Marilyn's table at the Ladies' Tea

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