July 2009


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JULY, 2009

We arrived at Keswick to a beautiful Welcome Home sign thanks to Brian Bitler. It is nice to be here.
On our way to Keswick we made our traditional lay over at Lancaster, PA. We went to see Abraham and Sarah at the Living Waters Theater which is the smaller theater connected to the granddaddy of them all, The Millennium Theater. If any of you happen to be visiting in the Lancaster area, visiting the Millennium Theater is a must. We would imagine that every actor dreams of a facility such as the Millennium Theater.
We also had the joy of visiting Marilyn’s cousin Monica, her husband Steve and their son, Stephen. Monica is Marilyn’s cousin Steve’s daughter. We met at the Bird in Hand Restaurant. Visiting the restaurants in the Lancaster area should be another Must Do on your list. We also enjoyed the Family Style Restaurant, Good and Plenty. Don’t you love the names?
After arriving here we had the pleasure of going out to dinner with Marilyn’s e-mail friend Nancy and her husband Mark. Mark and Nancy are the parents of young Mark who died last February. We walked along the New Jersey Boardwalk with them. Boardwalks are a novelty to those of us who are familiar with the West Coast. The amusements and rides offered on the Boardwalk reminded Marilyn some of the Long Beach Pike from many years back. The other novelty to West Coasters would be that there is a charge to go on the beach. We were shocked the first time we learned that visitors to the beach must pay in this area.
We got a note from Mellyn announcing the arrival of Lizzie in their family. She is a rescue dog and according to Mellyn has made herself right at home very quickly. We wonder if Lizzie has any idea how blessed she is to be in Mike and Mellyn’s family? We look forward to meeting Lizzie next winter.
We have attended two Wednesday evening services called TnT (Text and Testimony). How we wish we could find the same openness in our local churches that happens each week at the Colony services. It is so refreshing to be in a place where we see God at work each day; lives are being reconciled to God and to their families constantly.
Marilyn is still working on her workshop message on Conflict Resolution. That has managed to keep her mind occupied a good bit of the time.  She is also back to building dollhouses. She also spends her time visiting friends and getting reacquainted with them.
As far as we know, our loved ones are still employed and we are grateful.
Please continue to pray for our usefulness and for our health.
Here is a picture of a storm brewing here in NJ and below is a picture of a gorgeous sunset. Both shots were taken at the same spot just seconds apart by Marilyn after she turned just slightly. Surely there is a message in there somewhere...perhaps that even when the storms are surrounding us, God is ALWAYS in control.
Thanks for your love and your prayers.
Glen and Marilyn

Our 'Welcome Home' sign

Cousin Monica, Stephen, and Steve

Glen, Marilyn, Nancy and Mark at the Boardwalk

Lizzie, Mellyn and Mike's dog.

A storm's a comin'

New Jersey sunset ...All is well.

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This page was last updated 7/06/2009 ©Copyright 2002-2009 Marilyn Willett Heavilin